LTI of Magic API
All of the information on LTI of Magic is programmatically available. You can call the API to get the current information out. You can also help add to the magic by registering your learning platform here. Then not only can your users see the apps and ratings, but they can also post app ratings back to LTI of Magic through your platform. Find out how at the bottom of the page
APIs are cool. This one returns paginated JSON responses. There's no auth required for anything other than posting comments and reviews. All pagination information is included in the JSON response body.
App List
Returns a list of all known apps. Includes some summary information around the number of ratings and comments, as well as all information needed to configure and place the apps in a learning system.
GET /api/v1/apps
{ "meta": { "next": "http://url.for/more/objects/if/any" }, "objects": [ { "id": "unique_identifier", "name": "Human Readable App Name", "extensions": ["multiple", "values"], // possible values: editor_button, resource_selection, user_nav, course_nav, account_nav "added": "2012-03-27T00:00:00Z", "avg_rating": 3.5, "banner_url": "", "logo_url": "", "launch_url": "", "any_key": true, "short_description": "Short app description", "comments_count": 21, "ratings_count": 45, "preview": { "url":"/twitter.html", "height":475 }, "categories": ["list of", "human-readable", "category names"], "levels": ["multiple", "values"], // possible values: "K-6th Grade", "7th-12th Grade", "Postsecondary" "description": "Longer app description", "config_url": "" }, { ... }, { ... } ] }
Optional parameters
level |
optional | Filter to only apps that are marked for the
specified grade level. The levels are available
on the home page, and are
all ,
K-6th Grade ,
7th-12th Grade , and
category |
optional | Filter to only apps that are categorized for
the specified category. The categories are available
on the home page, and are
all ,
Community ,
Content ,
Math ,
Open Content ,
Science ,
Study Helps ,
Textbooks/eBooks , and
Web 2.0
recent |
optional | Filters to only apps have been added in the past 24 weeks. If less than 6 apps have been added in the last 24 weeks, it will go back farther until at least 6 apps are returned. Setting this value to anything other than an empty string will apply the filter. |
platform |
optional | Filters to only apps that can be used in
the specified platform. This is a bit of a placeholder
parameter, since right now there are only two
options, Canvas and anything other
than Canvas . As more apps and extensions
are added, more platforms will be explicitly supported.
extension |
optional | Filters to only apps that support the
specified extension. Available extensions are
all ,
editor_button ,
resource_selection ,
user_navigation , and
Most of the information is consistent across all apps. preview
is an optional value, and there are some possible configuration options
listed below:
Possible Configuration Return Values
config_directions |
This app doesn't have a standardized way to configure it, so instead it will return some HTML code containing directions on how to manually configure the app. |
If { "name": "query_parameter_key", "description": "Human-readable description", "required": true, "type": "text", // possible values: text, checkbox "value": "default_query_parameter_value" }, { ... }, { ... } |
config_urls |
This value provides a list of configuration URLs rather than
a single configuration URL. { "url": "", "description": "Human-readable description" }, { ... }, { ... } |
App Details
Returns information on a single app. This doesn't provide any additional information than what's available in the app list response.
GET /api/v1/apps/:app_id
{ "id": "unique_identifier", "name": "Human Readable App Name", // Same as above },
App Reviews List
Returns a paginated list of reviews for the specified app. Reviews may have come from multiple sources, including from the site itself using Twitter logins, or from other platforms/apps that have registered. More information on registering an app is available in the "contributing" section.
GET /api/v1/apps/:app_id/reviews
{ "objects": [ { "user_avatar_url": "", "source_name": "Human-readable name of platform/app where user posted", "tool_name": "Human-readable name of the app", "rating": 3, // out of 5 "source_url": "", "user_name": "User name", "user_url": "", "id": 1, "comments": "user-provided comments, if any", "created": "Jun 19, 2012" } ], "meta": { "next": "" }}
Contributing Reviews
Allows adding ratings and reviews from a registered platform or app. Required/optional fields are listed below. For more information on registering an app, please contact @whitmer.
POST /api/v1/apps/:app_id/reviews
{ "user_avatar_url": "", "source_name": "Human-readable name of platform/app where user posted", // Same as above }
Required/optional parameters
access_token |
required | This is the access token provided by this site to the platform/app after registration. This should be kept secret (i.e. server-side only -- don't put it in your JavaScript), otherwise anyone can post comments and ratings as if they were your platform/app. |
rating |
required | This is an integer from 1 to 5. |
user_name |
required | This is the human-readable name for the commenting user within your platform/app. |
user_id |
required | This is the unique identifier for the user. |
user_url |
optional | This is the public profile URL for the user, if any. |
user_avatar_url |
optional | This is the URL to a public avatar image for the commenting user, if any. |
comments |
optional | This is the plaintext comments provided by the user. |
Retrieving a Review
You can retrieve a specific review (to see for example if the current
user has already reviewed the specified app) by calling. Requires the same
and access_token
used when posting the review.
GET /api/v1/apps/:app_id/reviews/:access_token/:user_id
{ "user_avatar_url": "", "source_name": "Human-readable name of platform/app where user posted", // Same as above }